
Female owned.
and, LIT.

Maile Clark 1 high res.jpg

Hi, I’m Maile!

I’m the candle-pourer, email-answerer, order-taker and idea lady here at LIT Candle Co.

Tell me more!

After a long career in the corporate world, I left my desk job to spend more time with my young family.  I was just missing too much of my children growing up.  When I stumbled across candle making, it was love at first sight.  It combines my love of creating with my passion for science and math, just like another of my favorite things – cooking!  

At LIT Candle Co., we are thrilled to bring our handmade creations to you!  As we say where I grew up, mahalo nui loa (thank you very much).

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I look after my candles?
The first time you use your candle, be sure to burn until the melt pool reaches all the way across the top to prevent tunneling of the wax.

Do not burn for more than 4 hours at a time and never unattended.

In between uses, break off the burned part of the wick with your fingers and discard before lighting.

Should the wick crackle like that?
We use wooden wicks which sound like a tiny little campfire when burning.  A crackling sound is completely normal!

Patents for the wooden wicks we use can be found at

How long will my candle last?
Our small candles last up to 40 hours and our large candles last up to 60 hours

What type of wax is my candle made of?
We use an apricot & coconut blend

Do your products contain phthalates?

All of our products are phthalate free

Why is there wax left in the jar when my candle is done?

The wick clips we use incorporate a safety feature to keep the bottom of the candle from getting too hot. It leaves some wax in the bottom of the jar.